Enabling Super User Access in Communities | Salesforce Enabling Super User Access in CommunitiesEnable super user access so that partner users in communities can access additional records and data.
If your community is set up with Partner Community user licenses, this setting applies. You can also grant super user access to users with Customer Community Plus licenses. For more information, see Grant Super User Access to Customer Users in Your Community. Granting super user access to external users in your community lets them access additional data and records, regardless of sharing rules and organization-wide defaults. Super users have access to data owned by other partner users belonging to the same account who have the same role or a role below them in the role hierarchy. Super user access applies to cases, leads, custom objects, and opportunities only, but external users have access to these objects only if you exposed them using profiles or sharing and added the tabs to the community during setup.
You can now assign super user access. To disable super user access, deselect Enable Partner Super User Access. If you re-enable this feature, all users who were assigned super user access before the feature was disabled will automatically get super user access again. |
Monday, 23 February 2015
Enabling Super User Access in Communities
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Hiding Dropdown Values using javascript on community
Monday, 16 February 2015
How do I add myself as a member of a Community if the Manage Link is missing?
How do I add myself as a member of a Community if the Manage Link is missing?
Knowledge Article Number: 000212095
Step 1: Gather your ParentID (Profile) and NetworkID (Community). The following Screen shots demonstrate how to gather this.
Img 1: Profile ID can be copied from the URL of the Profile detail page.
Img 2: NetworkID can be gathered by right clicking on the URL for the Community in the All Communities page in setup. Select Inspect Element and it should give you a console view below the page with the NetworkID highlighted.
2. Create a .csv using a program such as Microsoft Excel and include the following Columns:
3. Input the ID's that you gathered from Step 1 and add them to your csv file. Please see the following screen capture:
Img 3: Spreadsheet showing the correct formatting.
4. Save your file to your computer.
1. Download and install the Data Loader tool. Please see the following help article on how to do this:
2. Open Data Loader and then click on Insert which takes you to the login screen. Login using your Salesforce username and password. See Following Image:
Img 4: Data Loader Login.
3. After you receive the Login completed successfully message click next. You should now be at the "Select Salesforce object" page. Click the checkbox next to "Show all Salesforce objects" and Select Network Member Group from the picklist.
4. On the same page Click Browse to add the file location of the CSV file you just saved to your computer. Click Next once you have done this.
5. You will be presented with a Data Selection window showing how many records will be updated. See the following:
Img 5: Records to be updated.
6. Click OK. You should now be on the Mapping portion of the process. Click Create or Edit a Map.
7 Click Auto-Match Fields to Columns and click OK.
8. Click Next.
9. Final step is to specify where to save the Success and Error files when the process completes. Click Browse to do this and click Finish.
Now check the All Communities page in setup to confirm that you now see the "Manage" link on the row of the affected Community.
Friday, 13 February 2015
Column Toggle Table
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
just found another list of uri mappings:
/d: Detail- Detailing a single record and with its associated records
/m: Hover- HoverDetail page that uses a mini layout and no header/footer
/e: editPage Allowing the editing of a single record
/p: printableView- In a relatively unadorned format, detailing a single record and all of its associated records. Does not have a help link, since you can't click links on paper.
/o: Overview of a single entity.
/l: list- A filtered list of a single entity
/x: Printable list: A filtered list of a single entity. Does not have a help link, since you can't click links on paper.
/r: Refresh list: A stripped down version of a list filtered by ids
/s: special: Special is used for "other" pages where you want to reuse parts of the edit/detail page
/h: history: Show the history (used only in forecasting)
/a: Assign: Entity Owner Change page
/c: calendar: Time-based (Calendar) view of list data
/n: mini edit: Mini layout edit page
Custom Objects based Pages
/d: Detail
/m: Hover
/e : Edit
/p: Printable View
/o: Overview
/l: List
/x: Printable List
/a: Assign
/r: Refresh List
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Email Logs
Email logs describe all emails sent through salesforce.com and can be used to help identify the status of an email delivery. Email logs are CSV files that provide information such as the email address of each email sender and its recipient, the date and time each email was sent, and any error code associated with each email. Logs are only available for the past 30 days.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Working with Field Sets
Working with Field Sets
You can use dynamic bindings to display field sets on your Visualforce pages. A field set is a grouping of fields. For example, you could have a field set that contains fields describing a user's first name, middle name, last name, and business title. If the page is added to a managed package, administrators can add, remove, or reorder fields in a field set to modify the fields presented on the Visualforce page without modifying any code. Field sets are available for Visualforce pages on APIversion 21.0 or above. You can have up to 50 field sets referenced on a single page.
Working with Field Sets Using Visualforce
<apex:page standardController="Contact"> <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Contact.FieldSets.properNames}" var="f"> <apex:outputText value="{!Contact[f]}" /><br/> </apex:repeat> </apex:page>
Property Name | Description |
DBRequired | Indicates whether the field is required for the object |
FieldPath | Lists the field’s spanning info |
Label | The UI label for the field |
Required | Indicates whether the field is required in the field set |
Type | The data type for the field |
<apex:page standardController="Contact"> <apex:pageBlock title="Fields in Proper Names"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!$ObjectType.Contact.FieldSets.properNames}" var="f"> <apex:column value="{!f}"> <apex:facet name="header">Name</apex:facet> </apex:column> <apex:column value="{!f.Label}"> <apex:facet name="header">Label</apex:facet> </apex:column> <apex:column value="{!f.Type}" > <apex:facet name="header">Data Type</apex:facet> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:page>
Working with Field Sets Using Apex
Fields in a field set are automatically loaded when your Visualforce page uses a standard controller. When using a custom controller, you need to add the required fields to the SOQL query for the page. Apex provides two Schema objects that allow you to discover field sets and the fields they contain, Schema.FieldSet and Schema.FieldSetMember. For information about these two system classes, see “FieldSet Class” in the Force.com Apex Code Developer's Guide.
Sample: Displaying a Field Set on a Visualforce Page
public class MerchandiseDetails { public Merchandise__c merch { get; set; } public MerchandiseDetails() { this.merch = getMerchandise(); } public List<Schema.FieldSetMember> getFields() { return SObjectType.Merchandise__c.FieldSets.Dimensions.getFields(); } private Merchandise__c getMerchandise() { String query = 'SELECT '; for(Schema.FieldSetMember f : this.getFields()) { query += f.getFieldPath() + ', '; } query += 'Id, Name FROM Merchandise__c LIMIT 1'; return Database.query(query); } }
<apex:page controller="MerchandiseDetails"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Product Details"> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Product"> <apex:inputField value="{!merch.Name}"/> </apex:pageBlockSection> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Dimensions"> <apex:repeat value="{!fields}" var="f"> <apex:inputField value="{!merch[f.fieldPath]}"
required="{!OR(f.required, f.dbrequired)}"/> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Field Set Considerations
- If a field is marked as Available for the Field Set, it exists in the field set, but the developer hasn’t presented it on the packaged Visualforce page. Administrators can display the field after the field set is deployed by moving it from the Available column to the In the Field Set column.
- If a field is marked as In the Field Set, the developer has rendered the field on the packaged Visualforce page by default. Administrators can remove the field from the page after the field set is deployed by removing it from the In the Field Set column.
The order in which a developer lists displayed fields determines their order of appearance on a Visualforce page.
- Subscribers with installed field sets can add fields that your page didn’t account for. There is no way to conditionally omit some fields from a field set iteration, so make sure that any field rendered through your field set works for all field types.
- We recommend that you add only non-essential fields to your field set. This ensures that even if a subscriber removes all fields in the field set, Visualforce pages that use that field set still function.
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Hide dropdown values using jquery
<apex:page id="pageId" standardController="Case">
<apex:includeScript value="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js" />
$( "#00N40000002IC8J option[value=Sonic]" ).wrap( "<span>" );
$( "#selectlist option[value=4]" ).wrap( "<span>" );
<select id="selectlist" name="selectproduct" >
<option value=""> --- Select product --- </option>
<option value="Actional">Product 1</option>
<option value="2">Product 2</option>
<option value="3">Product 3</option>
<option value="4">Product 4</option>
<input id="mytext" type="text" value="dgdfbg"/>