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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Extended Class Example

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Extended Class Example

The following is an extended example of a class, showing all the features of Apex classes. The keywords and concepts introduced in the example are explained in more detail throughout this chapter.

// Top-level (outer) class must be public or global (usually public unless they contain                      
// a Web Service, then they must be global)
public class OuterClass { // Static final variable (constant) – outer class level only
  private static final Integer MY_INT; // Non-final static variable - use this to communicate state across triggers
  // within a single request)
  public static String sharedState; // Static method - outer class level only
  public static Integer getInt() { return MY_INT; } // Static initialization (can be included where the variable is defined)
  static { MY_INT = 2; } // Member variable for outer class
  private final String m; // Instance initialization block - can be done where the variable is declared,
  // or in a constructor { m = 'a'; } // Because no constructor is explicitly defined in this outer class, an implicit,
  // no-argument, public constructor exists

  // Inner interface
  public virtual interface MyInterface { // No access modifier is necessary for interface methods - these are always
    // public or global depending on the interface visibility
    void myMethod(); } // Interface extension
  interface MySecondInterface extends MyInterface { Integer method2(Integer i); } // Inner class - because it is virtual it can be extended.
  // This class implements an interface that, in turn, extends another interface.
  // Consequently the class must implement all methods.
  public virtual class InnerClass implements MySecondInterface { // Inner member variables
    private final String s; private final String s2; // Inner instance initialization block (this code could be located above) { this.s = 'x'; } // Inline initialization (happens after the block above executes)
    private final Integer i = s.length(); // Explicit no argument constructor InnerClass() { // This invokes another constructor that is defined later
       this('none'); } // Constructor that assigns a final variable value
    public InnerClass(String s2) { this.s2 = s2; } // Instance method that implements a method from MyInterface.
    // Because it is declared virtual it can be overridden by a subclass.
    public virtual void myMethod() { /* does nothing */ } // Implementation of the second interface method above.
    // This method references member variables (with and without the "this" prefix)
    public Integer method2(Integer i) { return this.i + s.length(); } } // Abstract class (that subclasses the class above). No constructor is needed since
  // parent class has a no-argument constructor
  public abstract class AbstractChildClass extends InnerClass { // Override the parent class method with this signature.
    // Must use the override keyword
    public override void myMethod() { /* do something else */ } // Same name as parent class method, but different signature.
    // This is a different method (displaying polymorphism) so it does not need
    // to use the override keyword
    protected void method2() {} // Abstract method - subclasses of this class must implement this method
    abstract Integer abstractMethod(); } // Complete the abstract class by implementing its abstract method
  public class ConcreteChildClass extends AbstractChildClass { // Here we expand the visibility of the parent method - note that visibility
    // cannot be restricted by a sub-class
    public override Integer abstractMethod() { return 5; } } // A second sub-class of the original InnerClass
  public class AnotherChildClass extends InnerClass { AnotherChildClass(String s) { // Explicitly invoke a different super constructor than one with no arguments
      super(s); } } // Exception inner class
  public virtual class MyException extends Exception { // Exception class member variable
    public Double d; // Exception class constructor MyException(Double d) { this.d = d; } // Exception class method, marked as protected
    protected void doIt() {} } // Exception classes can be abstract and implement interfaces
  public abstract class MySecondException extends Exception implements MyInterface { } }
This code example illustrates:
  • A top-level class definition (also called an outer class)
  • Static variables and static methods in the top-level class, as well as static initialization code blocks
  • Member variables and methods for the top-level class
  • Classes with no user-defined constructor — these have an implicit, no-argument constructor
  • An interface definition in the top-level class
  • An interface that extends another interface
  • Inner class definitions (one level deep) within a top-level class
  • A class that implements an interface (and, therefore, its associated sub-interface) by implementing public versions of the method signatures
  • An inner class constructor definition and invocation
  • An inner class member variable and a reference to it using the this keyword (with no arguments)
  • An inner class constructor that uses the this keyword (with arguments) to invoke a different constructor
  • Initialization code outside of constructors — both where variables are defined, as well as with anonymous blocks in curly braces ({}). Note that these execute with every construction in the order they appear in the file, as with Java.
  • Class extension and an abstract class
  • Methods that override base class methods (which must be declared virtual)
  • The override keyword for methods that override subclass methods
  • Abstract methods and their implementation by concrete sub-classes
  • The protected access modifier
  • Exceptions as first class objects with members, methods, and constructors

This example shows how the class above can be called by other Apex code:

// Construct an instance of an inner concrete class, with a user-defined constructor  OuterClass.InnerClass ic = new OuterClass.InnerClass('x');    // Call user-defined methods in the class  System.assertEquals(2, ic.method2(1));    // Define a variable with an interface data type, and assign it a value that is of 
// a type that implements that interface OuterClass.MyInterface mi = ic; // Use instanceof and casting as usual OuterClass.InnerClass ic2 = mi instanceof OuterClass.InnerClass ? (OuterClass.InnerClass)mi : null; System.assert(ic2 != null); // Construct the outer type OuterClass o = new OuterClass(); System.assertEquals(2, OuterClass.getInt()); // Construct instances of abstract class children System.assertEquals(5, new OuterClass.ConcreteChildClass().abstractMethod()); // Illegal - cannot construct an abstract class
// new OuterClass.AbstractChildClass();

// Illegal – cannot access a static method through an instance
// o.getInt();

// Illegal - cannot call protected method externally
// new OuterClass.ConcreteChildClass().method2();
This code example illustrates:
  • Construction of the outer class
  • Construction of an inner class and the declaration of an inner interface type
  • A variable declared as an interface type can be assigned an instance of a class that implements that interface
  • Casting an interface variable to be a class type that implements that interface (after verifying this using the instanceof operator)
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