<apex:page controller="googleChartCon" tabStyle="Account">
<apex:sectionHeader title="Accounts by Type"></apex:sectionHeader>
<apex:image url="{!chartData}"></apex:image>
public class googleChartCon {
private String chartData;
public String getChartData()
return chartData;
public googleChartCon()
//obtain a list of picklist values
Schema.DescribeFieldResult F = Account.Type.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> P = F.getPicklistValues();
//where chart data should be stored.
List<ChartDataItem> items = new List<ChartDataItem>();
//iterate through each picklist value and get number of accounts
// I wish we could do GROUP BY in SOQL!
for(Schema.PicklistEntry pValue : P)
integer Count = [select count() from Account where Type = :pValue.getValue() limit 10000];
if (Count > 0)
items.add(new ChartDataItem(pValue.getValue()+ '-['+ Count.format() + ']' , Count.format()));
//Prepare the chart URL
String chartPath = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=600x200&cht=p3';
chartData = chartPath + getChartData(items);
private String getChartData(List<ChartDataItem> items)
String chd = ''; //23,34,56
String chl = ''; //Hello|World
for(ChartDataItem citem : items)
chd += citem.ItemValue + ',';
chl += citem.Label + '|';
//remove the last comma or pipe
chd = chd.substring(0, chd.length() -1);
chl = chl.substring(0, chl.length() -1);
String result = '&chd=t:' + chd + '&chl=' + chl;
return result;
public class ChartDataItem
public String ItemValue
public String Label
public ChartDataItem(String Label, String Value)
this.Label = Label;
this.ItemValue = Value;
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