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Friday, 30 May 2014

Print Using Java

//package com.javacodegeeks.snippets.desktop;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;

import javax.print.Doc;
import javax.print.DocFlavor;
import javax.print.DocPrintJob;
import javax.print.PrintService;
import javax.print.PrintServiceLookup;
import javax.print.SimpleDoc;
import javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.print.attribute.standard.Copies;
import javax.print.event.PrintJobAdapter;
import javax.print.event.PrintJobEvent;

public class SetCopiesNumberForPrintJob {

private static boolean jobRunning = true;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// Open the image file

  InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("myfile.pdf"));

  // create a PDF doc flavor

  DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE;

  // Locate the default print service for this environment.

  PrintService service = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();

  // Create and return a PrintJob capable of handling data from

  // any of the supported document flavors.

  DocPrintJob printJob = service.createPrintJob();

  // register a listener to get notified when the job is complete

  printJob.addPrintJobListener(new JobCompleteMonitor());

  // Construct a SimpleDoc with the specified 

  // print data, doc flavor and doc attribute set.

  Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(is, flavor, null);

  int numCopies = 5;

  // set up the attributes

  PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();

  attributes.add(new Copies(numCopies));

  // Print a document with the specified job attributes.

  while (jobRunning) {



  System.out.println("Exiting app");



private static class JobCompleteMonitor extends PrintJobAdapter {
public void printJobCompleted(PrintJobEvent jobEvent) {
System.out.println("Job completed");
jobRunning = false;


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A new way for Tracker

private class Ag_AddendumTriggerHandlerTracker{
  static private Account objAccount;
  static private Account objBrokerAccount;
  static private Account objSupplierBroker;
  static private Account objOtherAccount;
  static private Account objBuyerAccount;
  static private Ag_Commodity_Master__c objCommodity;
  static private Ag_Templates__c objTemplate;
  static private Ag_Related_Commodities__c objRelatedCommodity;
  static private Ag_Purchase_Contract__c objPurchaseContract;
  static private Recordtype objRT;
  static private Ag_Shipping__c objShipping;
  static private Ag_Templates__c objShippingTemplate;
  static private Ag_Related_Sales_Contract__c objRSC;
  static private Ag_Sales_Contract__c objSalesCon;
  static private Ag_Addendum__c objAddendum;
     static testMethod void ValidateAddendum() {
      List<Ag_Addendum__c> lstAddendum = new   List<Ag_Addendum__c>();
    Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler obj2= new Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler ();

      static testMethod void ValidateAddendum2() {
      List<Ag_Addendum__c> lstAddendum = new   List<Ag_Addendum__c>();
    Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler obj2= new Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler ();

      static testMethod void ValidateAddendum3() {
      List<Ag_Addendum__c> lstAddendum = new   List<Ag_Addendum__c>();
    Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler obj2= new Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler ();

     static testMethod void ValidateAddendum4() {
      List<Ag_Addendum__c> lstAddendum = new   List<Ag_Addendum__c>();
    Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler obj2= new Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler ();

     static testMethod void ValidateAddendum5() {
      List<Ag_Addendum__c> lstAddendum = new   List<Ag_Addendum__c>();
    Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler obj2= new Ag_AddendumTriggerHandler ();
   //S lstAddendum[0].Ag_Purchase_Contract__c = null;
    //S update lstAddendum;

      private static void LoadData()
     static void CreateAccount()
    objRT=[select id, name, SObjectType 
                From RecordType
                Where SObjectType= 'Account'
                AND name= 'Supplier Account'];
        objAccount = new Account(Name = 'TestAccount',Phone='01533673',recordTypeId=objRT.id,Ag_Email__c = 'test@gmail.com',BillingCountry = 'TestCountry',Ag_Is_Approved__c=true);
        insert objAccount;
        Account objTempAccount = [select Name from Account where Id = :objAccount.Id];
        System.assertEquals(objAccount.Name, objTempAccount.Name);             
         static void CreateOtherAccount()
    objRT=[select id, name, SObjectType 
                From RecordType
                Where SObjectType= 'Account'
                AND name= 'Other Accounts'];
        objOtherAccount = new Account(Name = 'TestAccount23',Phone='01533673',recordTypeId=objRT.id,Ag_Email__c = 'test45@gmail.com',BillingCountry = 'TestCountry1',Ag_Is_Approved__c=true);
        insert objOtherAccount;
        Account objOtherTempAccount = [select Name from Account where Id = :objOtherAccount.Id];
        System.assertEquals(objOtherAccount.Name, objOtherTempAccount.Name);             
     static void CreateBrokerAccount()
    objRT=[select id, name, SObjectType 
                From RecordType
                Where SObjectType= 'Account'
                AND name= 'Buyer Broker'];
        objBrokerAccount = new Account(Name = 'TestAccount',Phone='01533673',recordTypeId=objRT.id,Ag_Email__c = 'test12@gmail.com',BillingCountry = 'TestCountry',Ag_Is_Approved__c=true);
        insert objBrokerAccount;
        Account objTempBrokerAccount = [select Name from Account where Id = :objBrokerAccount.Id];
        System.assertEquals(objBrokerAccount.Name, objTempBrokerAccount.Name);             
      static void CreateSuppBrokerAccount()
    objRT=[select id, name, SObjectType 
                From RecordType
                Where SObjectType= 'Account'
                AND name= 'Supplier Broker'];
        objSupplierBroker = new Account(Name = 'TestSuppAccount',Phone='01533673',recordTypeId=objRT.id,Ag_Email__c = 'test12@gmail.com',BillingCountry = 'TestCountry',Ag_Is_Approved__c=true);
        insert objSupplierBroker;
        Account objTempSuppBrokerAccount = [select Name from Account where Id = :objSupplierBroker.Id];
        System.assertEquals(objSupplierBroker.Name, objTempSuppBrokerAccount.Name);             
      static void CreateBuyerAccount()
    objRT=[select id, name, SObjectType 
                From RecordType
                Where SObjectType= 'Account'
                AND name= 'Buyer Account'];
        objBuyerAccount = new Account(Name = 'TestBuyerAccount',Phone='01533673',recordTypeId=objRT.id,Ag_Email__c = 'test12@gmail.com',BillingCountry = 'TestCountry',Ag_Is_Approved__c=true);
        insert objBuyerAccount;
        Account objTempBuyerAccount = [select Name from Account where Id = :objBuyerAccount.Id];
        System.assertEquals(objBuyerAccount.Name, objTempBuyerAccount.Name);             
    static void CreateTemplate()
      objRT=[select id, name, SObjectType 
                From RecordType
                Where SObjectType= 'Ag_Templates__c'
                AND name= 'Purchase Contract'];
      objTemplate = new Ag_Templates__c(recordTypeId=objRT.id,Name='TestTemplate',Ag_Other_Terms_and_Conditions__c='Testing Term');
      insert objTemplate;
      Ag_Templates__c objTempTemplate = [select id,Name from Ag_Templates__c where id = :objTemplate.id];
      System.assertEquals(objTemplate.Name, objTempTemplate.Name);     
      static void CreateShippingTemplate()
      objRT=[select id, name, SObjectType 
                From RecordType
                Where SObjectType= 'Ag_Templates__c'
                AND name= 'Shipping Instruction'];
      objShippingTemplate = new Ag_Templates__c(recordTypeId=objRT.id,Name='TestTemplate',Ag_Other_Terms_and_Conditions__c='Testing Term',Ag_Template_Type__c='Sales');
      //insert objTemplate;
      //Ag_Templates__c objShipTempTemplate = [select id,Name from Ag_Templates__c where id = :objShippingTemplate.id];
      //System.assertEquals(objShippingTemplate.Name, objShipTempTemplate.Name);     
     static void CreateCommodity()
      objCommodity = new Ag_Commodity_Master__c(Name = 'TestCommodity',AG_Active__c=true,AG_Commodity_Code__c='Code 2',AG_UOM__c='MT',AG_Commodity_Family__c='COAL'); 
      insert objCommodity;  
      Ag_Commodity_Master__c objtempComm = [select id,Name from Ag_Commodity_Master__c where id = : objCommodity.id];
      System.assertEquals(objCommodity.Name, objtempComm.Name);                         
      static void CreateRelatedCommodity()
      objRelatedCommodity = new Ag_Related_Commodities__c(Ag_Commodity_Master__c = objCommodity.id,Ag_Purchase_Contract__c=objPurchaseContract.id
                                ,Ag_Price__c=65.23,Ag_Commodity_Family__c='COAL',Ag_Finalized_Price__c=true,Ag_Port_Of_Discharge__c  ='testDis'); 
      insert objRelatedCommodity;  
      Ag_Related_Commodities__c objtempRelComm = [select id,Name,Ag_Commodity_Master__c from Ag_Related_Commodities__c where id = :objRelatedCommodity.id];
      System.assertEquals(objRelatedCommodity.Ag_Commodity_Master__c, objtempRelComm.Ag_Commodity_Master__c);                         
    static void CreateShipping()
      objShipping = new Ag_Shipping__c(Ag_Insurance_Company__c=objOtherAccount.id,Ag_Purchase_Contract__c=objPurchaseContract.id,
                      Ag_Shipment_start_date__c = system.today(),Ag_Shipment_end_date__c=system.today(),
                      Ag_Port_of_Discharge__c = 'test12',Ag_Port_of_Loading__c='34');
                      objShipping.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
      insert  objShipping;              
    static void CreateSalesContract()
      objSalesCon = new Ag_Sales_Contract__c(Ag_Broker__c=objBrokerAccount.id,Ag_Account__c=objBuyerAccount.id,Ag_Commodity_family__c='COAL',Ag_Quantity__c=2,Ag_UOM__c='MT',Ag_Templates__c=objShippingTemplate.id,CurrencyIsoCode='INR');
      insert objSalesCon;
    static void CreateRelatedSalesContract()
      objRSC = new Ag_Related_Sales_Contract__c(Ag_Sales_Contract__c = objSalesCon.id,Ag_Net_Weight__c=5,Ag_Shipping__c=objShipping.id);
      insert objRSC;
     static void CreatePurchaseContract()
      objPurchaseContract = new Ag_Purchase_Contract__c();
     objPurchaseContract.Ag_Contract_Date__c= system.today();
     objPurchaseContract.Ag_Commodity_Name__c = objCommodity.id;
     objPurchaseContract.Ag_Commodity_family__c = 'COAL';
     objPurchaseContract.Ag_Quantity__c = 2;
     objPurchaseContract.Ag_UOM__c = 'MT';
      objPurchaseContract.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
      insert  objPurchaseContract;  
     //A Ag_Purchase_Contract__c objTempPurchaseContract = [select id,Name,Ag_Broker__c from Ag_Purchase_Contract__c where id = : objPurchaseContract.id];
     //A System.assertEquals(objPurchaseContract.Ag_Broker__c, objTempPurchaseContract.Ag_Broker__c);                         
    static void CreateAddendum() 
        objAddendum = new Ag_Addendum__c();
        objRT = [Select id,Name,SObjectType from RecordType where SObjectType = 'Ag_Addendum__c' and
                 Name = 'Purchase Contract Addendum'];
        objAddendum.RecordTypeId = objRT.Id;
        objAddendum.Ag_Approval_Stages__c = 'Addendum pending for approval';
        objAddendum.Ag_Purchase_Contract__c= objPurchaseContract.Id;
        objAddendum.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
        insert objAddendum;
    static void CreateAddendum1() 
        objAddendum = new Ag_Addendum__c();
        objRT = [Select id,Name,SObjectType from RecordType where SObjectType = 'Ag_Addendum__c' and 
                 Name = 'Purchase Contract Addendum'];
        objAddendum.RecordTypeId = objRT.Id;
        objAddendum.Ag_Approval_Stages__c = 'Addendum Approved';
        objAddendum.Ag_Purchase_Contract__c= objPurchaseContract.Id;
        objAddendum.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
        insert objAddendum;
     static void CreateAddendum2() 
        objAddendum = new Ag_Addendum__c();
        objRT = [Select id,Name,SObjectType from RecordType where SObjectType = 'Ag_Addendum__c' and
                 Name = 'Purchase Contract Addendum'];
        objAddendum.RecordTypeId = objRT.Id;
        objAddendum.Ag_Approval_Stages__c = 'Addendum Rejected';
        objAddendum.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
        objAddendum.Ag_Purchase_Contract__c= objPurchaseContract.Id;
        insert objAddendum;
     static void CreateAddendum3() 
        objAddendum = new Ag_Addendum__c();
        objAddendum.Ag_Approval_Stages__c = 'Addendum pending for approval';
        objAddendum.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
        objAddendum.Ag_Sales_Contract__c= objSalesCon.Id;
        insert objAddendum;
     static void CreateAddendum4() 
        objAddendum = new Ag_Addendum__c();
        objAddendum.Ag_Approval_Stages__c = 'Addendum Approved';
        objAddendum.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
        objAddendum.Ag_Sales_Contract__c= objSalesCon.Id;
        insert objAddendum;
     static void CreateAddendum5() 
        objAddendum = new Ag_Addendum__c();
        objAddendum.Ag_Approval_Stages__c = 'Addendum Rejected';
        objAddendum.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
        objAddendum.Ag_Sales_Contract__c= objSalesCon.Id;
        insert objAddendum;

trigger for approval process

trigger Call_AprovalProcess_In_Trigger on Account (before insert, before update) {
 for(Account acc:trigger.new){
    if(acc.AnnualRevenue < 2000){
       approval.ProcessSubmitRequest aprlPrcs = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();      
       aprlPrcs .setComments('Submitting record for approval.');
       aprlPrcs.setNextApproverIds(new Id[] {UserInfo.getUserId()});
       approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(aprlPrcs);

Monday, 26 May 2014

Call class function from javascripty


function jsFunction()


<apex:actionFunction name="call_classFunction" action="{!Class_Function}" />
<apex:commandButton id="btnprintButton1" value="Print Pdf" onclick="jsFunction(); return false;" />

create record using javascript

 <script src="/soap/ajax/18.0/connection.js"></script>
  sforce.connection.sessionId = "{!$Api.Session_ID}";
      function go()
      var acct= new sforce.SObject("Account");
      acct.name = 'Hi';
      acct.phone = '515-123-4567';
       var result = sforce.connection.create([acct]);

Thursday, 22 May 2014

about schema picklist

Schema.DescribeFieldResult F = Account.Industry.getDescribe();
List<Schema.sObjectType> P = F.getReferenceTo();
// Create an account with predefined default values
Account acct = (Account)Account.sObjectType.newSObject(null, true);
// Provide a value for Name
acct.Name = 'Acme';
// Insert new account
insert acct;

Schema.DescribeFieldResult F = Account.Industry.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> P = F.getPicklistValues();
Schema.DescribeFieldResult F = Test__c.Box2__c.getDescribe();
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> P = F.getPicklistValues();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry obj:P)

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

A look of HTML


 border:2px solid #00ffff;
 padding:10px 40px;

 padding:10px 40px; 

ul a

ul li:hover


li:hover .submenu


 <li><a href="#home">Home</a>
  <ul class="submenu" style="background:transparent;">
   <li><div style="color:blue; width:80px"><a href="#AboutUs">About us</a></div></li>
   <li><div style="color:blue; width:80px"><a href="#UsAbout us">About us</a></div></li>
   <li><div style="color:blue; width:80px"><a href="#aboutUs">About us</a></div></li>
 <li>Contact us</li><li>|</li>

<p style="border:2px solid #ddd; background:#fff000; padding:10px 40px; width:1200px; height:20px; border-radius:50px;">
 <font style="float:left;">The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.</font>
 <font style="margin-left:100px">Hello</ >
 <font style="float:right;">The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.</font>
<div>The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.</div>
<div>The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.</div>
<div>The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.</div>
<div>The border-radius property allows you to add rounded corners to elements.</div>

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

points batch apex

1.We can not schedule batch classes,we run the batchclass by creating its instance where we
 required to run the batch class by this syntax 
        BatchClassName objBatchClassName=new BatchClassName();

2.We can schedule schedule classes,we schedule the scheduled class by going to apex classes 
  and click to schedule apex

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Using Batch Apex

Open topic with navigation

Using Batch Apex

To use batch Apex, you must write an Apex class that implements the Salesforce-provided interface Database.Batchable, and then invoke the class programmatically.

To monitor or stop the execution of the batch Apex job, from Setup, click Monitoring | Apex Jobs or Jobs | Apex Jobs.

Implementing the Database.Batchable Interface

The Database.Batchable interface contains three methods that must be implemented:
  • start method
    global (Database.QueryLocator | Iterable<sObject>) start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {}

    The start method is called at the beginning of a batch Apex job. Use the start method to collect the records or objects to be passed to the interface method execute. This method returns either a Database.QueryLocator object or an iterable that contains the records or objects being passed into the job.

    Use the Database.QueryLocator object when you are using a simple query (SELECT) to generate the scope of objects used in the batch job. If you use a querylocator object, the governor limit for the total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries is bypassed. For example, a batch Apex job for the Account object can return aQueryLocator for all account records (up to 50 million records) in an organization. Another example is a sharing recalculation for the Contact object that returns aQueryLocator for all account records in an organization.

    Use the iterable when you need to create a complex scope for the batch job. You can also use the iterable to create your own custom process for iterating through the list.
    If you use an iterable, the governor limit for the total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries is still enforced.
  • execute method:
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, list<P>){}

    The execute method is called for each batch of records passed to the method. Use this method to do all required processing for each chunk of data.

    This method takes the following:
    • A reference to the Database.BatchableContext object.
    • A list of sObjects, such as List<sObject>, or a list of parameterized types. If you are using a Database.QueryLocator, the returned list should be used.

    Batches of records execute in the order they are received from the start method.

  • finish method
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){}

    The finish method is called after all batches are processed. Use this method to send confirmation emails or execute post-processing operations.

Each execution of a batch Apex job is considered a discrete transaction. For example, a batch Apex job that contains 1,000 records and is executed without the optional scopeparameter from Database.executeBatch is considered five transactions of 200 records each. The Apex governor limits are reset for each transaction. If the first transaction succeeds but the second fails, the database updates made in the first transaction are not rolled back.

Using Database.BatchableContext

All of the methods in the Database.Batchable interface require a reference to a Database.BatchableContext object. Use this object to track the progress of the batch job.

The following is the instance method with the Database.BatchableContext object:
NameArguments Returns Description
getJobID IDReturns the ID of the AsyncApexJob object associated with this batch job as a string. Use this method to track the progress of records in the batch job. You can also use this ID with the System.abortJob method.

The following example uses the Database.BatchableContext to query the AsyncApexJob associated with the batch job.

global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){     // Get the ID of the AsyncApexJob representing this batch job
   // from Database.BatchableContext.
   // Query the AsyncApexJob object to retrieve the current job's information. AsyncApexJob a = [SELECT Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed, TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE Id = :BC.getJobId()]; // Send an email to the Apex job's submitter notifying of job completion. Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); String[] toAddresses = new String[] {a.CreatedBy.Email}; mail.setToAddresses(toAddresses); mail.setSubject('Apex Sharing Recalculation ' + a.Status); mail.setPlainTextBody ('The batch Apex job processed ' + a.TotalJobItems + ' batches with '+ a.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.'); Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail }); }

Using Database.QueryLocator to Define Scope

The start method can return either a Database.QueryLocator object that contains the records to be used in the batch job or an iterable.

The following example uses a Database.QueryLocator:
    global class SearchAndReplace implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{       global final String Query;     global final String Entity;     global final String Field;     global final String Value;       global SearchAndReplace(String q, String e, String f, String v){          Query=q; Entity=e; Field=f;Value=v;     }       global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);     }       global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){       for(sobject s : scope){       s.put(Field,Value);        }       update scope;      }       global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){     }  }

Using an Iterable in Batch Apex to Define Scope

The start method can return either a Database.QueryLocator object that contains the records to be used in the batch job, or an iterable. Use an iterable to step through the returned items more easily.

global class batchClass implements Database.batchable{      global Iterable start(Database.BatchableContext info){          return new CustomAccountIterable();      }          global void execute(Database.BatchableContext info, List<Account> scope){         List<Account> accsToUpdate = new List<Account>();         for(Account a : scope){              a.Name = 'true';              a.NumberOfEmployees = 70;              accsToUpdate.add(a);          }          update accsToUpdate;      }          global void finish(Database.BatchableContext info){          }   }

Using the Database.executeBatch Method

You can use the Database.executeBatch method to programmatically begin a batch job.
When you call Database.executeBatchSalesforce only adds the process to the queue. Actual execution may be delayed based on service availability.
The Database.executeBatch method takes two parameters:
  • An instance of a class that implements the Database.Batchable interface.
  • The Database.executeBatch method takes an optional parameter scope. This parameter specifies the number of records that should be passed into the executemethod. Use this parameter when you have many operations for each record being passed in and are running into governor limits. By limiting the number of records, you are thereby limiting the operations per transaction. This value must be greater than zero. If the start method of the batch class returns a QueryLocator, the optional scope parameter of Database.executeBatch can have a maximum value of 2,000. If set to a higher value, Salesforce chunks the records returned by the QueryLocator into smaller batches of up to 2,000 records. If the start method of the batch class returns an iterable, the scope parameter value has no upper limit; however, if you use a very high number, you may run into other limits.
The Database.executeBatch method returns the ID of the AsyncApexJob object, which can then be used to track the progress of the job. For example:
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(reassign);    AsyncApexJob aaj = [SELECT Id, Status, JobItemsProcessed, TotalJobItems, NumberOfErrors                       FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ID =: batchprocessid ];  

For more information about the AsyncApexJob object, see AsyncApexJob in the Object Reference for Salesforce and Force.com.

You can also use this ID with the System.abortJob method.

Using the System.scheduleBatch Method

You can use the System.scheduleBatch method to schedule a batch job to run once at a future time.

The System.scheduleBatch method takes the following parameters.
  • An instance of a class that implements the Database.Batchable interface.
  • The job name.
  • The time interval, in minutes, after which the job should start executing.
  • An optional scope value. This parameter specifies the number of records that should be passed into the execute method. Use this parameter when you have many operations for each record being passed in and are running into governor limits. By limiting the number of records, you are thereby limiting the operations per transaction. This value must be greater than zero. If the start method returns a QueryLocator, the optional scope parameter of System.scheduleBatch can have a maximum value of2,000. If set to a higher value, Salesforce chunks the records returned by the QueryLocator into smaller batches of up to 2,000 records. If the start method returns an iterable, the scope parameter value has no upper limit; however, if you use a very high number, you may run into other limits.

The System.scheduleBatch method returns the scheduled job ID (CronTrigger ID).

This example schedules a batch job to run one minute from now by calling System.scheduleBatch. The example passes this method an instance of a batch class (thereassign variable), a job name, and a time interval of one minute. The optional scope parameter has been omitted. The method call returns the scheduled job ID, which is used to query CronTrigger to get the status of the corresponding scheduled job.
String cronID = System.scheduleBatch(reassign, 'job example', 1);    CronTrigger ct = [SELECT Id, TimesTriggered, NextFireTime                  FROM CronTrigger WHERE Id = :cronID];    // TimesTriggered should be 0 because the job hasn't started yet.  System.assertEquals(0, ct.TimesTriggered);  System.debug('Next fire time: ' + ct.NextFireTime);   // For example:
// Next fire time: 2013-06-03 13:31:23

For more information about CronTrigger, see CronTrigger in the Object Reference for Salesforce and Force.com.

Some things to note about System.scheduleBatch:
  • When you call System.scheduleBatchSalesforce schedules the job for execution at the specified time. Actual execution might be delayed based on service availability.
  • The scheduler runs as system—all classes are executed, whether or not the user has permission to execute the class.
  • All scheduled Apex limits apply for batch jobs scheduled using System.scheduleBatch. After the batch job starts executing, all batch job limits apply and the job no longer counts toward scheduled Apex limits.
  • After calling this method and before the batch job starts, you can use the returned scheduled job ID to abort the scheduled job using the System.abortJobmethod.

Batch Apex Examples

The following example uses a Database.QueryLocator:
global class UpdateAccountFields implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{     global final String Query;     global final String Entity;     global final String Field;     global final String Value;       global UpdateAccountFields(String q, String e, String f, String v){               Query=q; Entity=e; Field=f;Value=v;     }       global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);     }       global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,                          List<sObject> scope){        for(Sobject s : scope){s.put(Field,Value);         }      update scope;     }       global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){       }    }
The following code can be used to call the above class:
    // Query for 10 accounts  String q = 'SELECT Industry FROM Account LIMIT 10';  String e = 'Account';  String f = 'Industry';  String v = 'Consulting';  Id batchInstanceId = Database.executeBatch(new UpdateAccountFields(q,e,f,v), 5); 
To exclude accounts that were deleted and that are still in the Recycle Bin, append isDeleted=false in the SOQL query WHERE clause as shown in the query in this modified sample.
// Query for accounts that aren't in the Recycle Bin  String q = 'SELECT Industry FROM Account WHERE isDeleted=false LIMIT 10';  String e = 'Account';  String f = 'Industry';  String v = 'Consulting';  Id batchInstanceId = Database.executeBatch(new UpdateAccountFields(q,e,f,v), 5); 
To exclude invoices that were deleted and that are still in the Recycle Bin, append isDeleted=false in the SOQL query WHERE clause as shown in the query in this modified sample.
// Query for invoices that aren't in the Recycle Bin  String q =     'SELECT Description__c FROM Invoice_Statement__c WHERE isDeleted=false LIMIT 10';  String e = 'Invoice_Statement__c';  String f = 'Description__c';  String v = 'Updated description';  Id batchInstanceId = Database.executeBatch(new UpdateInvoiceFields(q,e,f,v), 5); 
The following class uses batch Apex to reassign all accounts owned by a specific user to a different user.
    global class OwnerReassignment implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{  String query;  String email;  Id toUserId;  Id fromUserId;    global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){              return Database.getQueryLocator(query);}    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){      List<Account> accns = new List<Account>();       for(sObject s : scope){Account a = (Account)s;          if(a.OwnerId==fromUserId){              a.OwnerId=toUserId;              accns.add(a);              }          }    update accns;        }  global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){  Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();    mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {email});  mail.setReplyTo('batch@acme.com');  mail.setSenderDisplayName('Batch Processing');  mail.setSubject('Batch Process Completed');  mail.setPlainTextBody('Batch Process has completed');    Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });  }  }
Use the following to execute the OwnerReassignment class in the previous example:
OwnerReassignment reassign = new OwnerReassignment();  reassign.query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Ownerid FROM Account ' +                   'WHERE ownerid=\'' + u.id + '\'';  reassign.email='admin@acme.com';  reassign.fromUserId = u;  reassign.toUserId = u2;  ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(reassign);  
The following is an example of a batch Apex class for deleting records.
global class BatchDelete implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {     public String query;       global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);     }       global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){        delete scope;        DataBase.emptyRecycleBin(scope);     }       global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){     }  }
This code calls the BatchDelete batch Apex class to delete old documents. The specified query selects documents to delete for all documents that are in a specified folder and that are older than a specified date. Next, the sample invokes the batch job.
BatchDelete BDel = new BatchDelete();  Datetime d = Datetime.now();  d = d.addDays(-1);  // Replace this value with the folder ID that contains
// the documents to delete. String folderId = '00lD000000116lD'; // Query for selecting the documents to delete BDel.query = 'SELECT Id FROM Document WHERE FolderId=\'' + folderId + '\' AND CreatedDate < '+d.format('yyyy-MM-dd')+'T'+ d.format('HH:mm')+':00.000Z'; // Invoke the batch job. ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(BDel); System.debug('Returned batch process ID: ' + batchProcessId);

Using Callouts in Batch Apex

To use a callout in batch Apex, you must specify Database.AllowsCallouts in the class definition. For example:
global class SearchAndReplace implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,      Database.AllowsCallouts{  }

Callouts include HTTP requests as well as methods defined with the webService keyword.

Using State in Batch Apex

Each execution of a batch Apex job is considered a discrete transaction. For example, a batch Apex job that contains 1,000 records and is executed without the optional scopeparameter is considered five transactions of 200 records each.

If you specify Database.Stateful in the class definition, you can maintain state across these transactions. When using Database.Stateful, only instance member variables retain their values between transactions. Static member variables don’t and are reset between transactions. Maintaining state is useful for counting or summarizing records as they're processed. For example, suppose your job processed opportunity records. You could define a method in execute to aggregate totals of the opportunity amounts as they were processed.

If you don't specify Database.Stateful, all static and instance member variables are set back to their original values.

The following example summarizes a custom field total__c as the records are processed:
    global class SummarizeAccountTotal implements       Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful{       global final String Query;     global integer Summary;         global SummarizeAccountTotal(String q){Query=q;       Summary = 0;     }       global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);     }          global void execute(                  Database.BatchableContext BC,                   List<sObject> scope){        for(sObject s : scope){           Summary = Integer.valueOf(s.get('total__c'))+Summary;        }     }    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){     }  }
In addition, you can specify a variable to access the initial state of the class. You can use this variable to share the initial state with all instances of the Database.Batchablemethods. For example:
    // Implement the interface using a list of Account sObjects
// Note that the initialState variable is declared as final

global class MyBatchable implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { private final String initialState; String query; global MyBatchable(String intialState) { this.initialState = initialState; } global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { // Access initialState here
    return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> batch) { // Access initialState here } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { // Access initialState here } }

Note that initialState is the initial state of the class. You cannot use it to pass information between instances of the class during execution of the batch job. For example, if you changed the value of initialState in execute, the second chunk of processed records would not be able to access the new value: only the initial value would be accessible.

Testing Batch Apex

When testing your batch Apex, you can test only one execution of the execute method. You can use the scope parameter of the executeBatch method to limit the number of records passed into the execute method to ensure that you aren't running into governor limits.

The executeBatch method starts an asynchronous process. This means that when you test batch Apex, you must make certain that the batch job is finished before testing against the results. Use the Test methods startTest and stopTest around the executeBatch method to ensure it finishes before continuing your test. All asynchronous calls made after the startTest method are collected by the system. When stopTest is executed, all asynchronous processes are run synchronously. If you don’t include theexecuteBatch method within the startTest and stopTest methods, the batch job executes at the end of your test method for Apex saved using Salesforce.com API version 25.0 and later, but not in earlier versions.

Starting with Apex saved using Salesforce.com API version 22.0, exceptions that occur during the execution of a batch Apex job that is invoked by a test method are now passed to the calling test method, and as a result, causes the test method to fail. If you want to handle exceptions in the test method, enclose the code in try and catch statements. You must place the catch block after the stopTest method. Note however that with Apex saved using Salesforce.com API version 21.0 and earlier, such exceptions don't get passed to the test method and don't cause test methods to fail.
Asynchronous calls, such as @future or executeBatch, called in a startTeststopTest block, do not count against your limits for the number of queued jobs.
The example below tests the OwnerReassignment class.
public static testMethod void testBatch() {     user u = [SELECT ID, UserName FROM User                WHERE username='testuser1@acme.com'];     user u2 = [SELECT ID, UserName FROM User                 WHERE username='testuser2@acme.com'];     String u2id = u2.id;  // Create 200 test accounts - this simulates one execute.  
// Important - the Salesforce.com test framework only allows you to
// test one execute. List <Account> accns = new List<Account>(); for(integer i = 0; i<200; i++){ Account a = new Account(Name='testAccount'+'i', Ownerid = u.ID); accns.add(a); } insert accns; Test.StartTest(); OwnerReassignment reassign = new OwnerReassignment(); reassign.query='SELECT ID, Name, Ownerid ' + 'FROM Account ' + 'WHERE OwnerId=\'' + u.Id + '\'' + ' LIMIT 200'; reassign.email='admin@acme.com'; reassign.fromUserId = u.Id; reassign.toUserId = u2.Id; ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(reassign); Test.StopTest(); System.AssertEquals( database.countquery('SELECT COUNT()' +' FROM Account WHERE OwnerId=\'' + u2.Id + '\''), 200); } }

Batch Apex Governor Limits

Keep in mind the following governor limits for batch Apex:
  • Up to five queued or active batch jobs are allowed for Apex.
  • The maximum number of batch Apex method executions per a 24-hour period is 250,000 or the number of user licenses in your organization multiplied by 200, whichever is greater. Method executions include executions of the startexecute, and finish methods. This is an organization-wide limit and is shared with all other asynchronousApex: scheduled Apex and future methods. The licenses that count toward this limit are full Salesforce user licenses or Force.com App Subscription user licenses. Chatter Free,Chatter customer users, Customer Portal User, and partner portal User licenses aren’t included.
  • The batch Apexstart method can have up to 15 query cursors open at a time per user. The batch Apex execute and finish methods each have a different limit of 5 open query cursors per user.
  • A maximum of 50 million records can be returned in the Database.QueryLocator object. If more than 50 million records are returned, the batch job is immediately terminated and marked as Failed.
  • If the start method of the batch class returns a QueryLocator, the optional scope parameter of Database.executeBatch can have a maximum value of 2,000. If set to a higher value, Salesforce chunks the records returned by the QueryLocator into smaller batches of up to 2,000 records. If the start method of the batch class returns an iterable, the scope parameter value has no upper limit; however, if you use a very high number, you may run into other limits.
  • If no size is specified with the optional scope parameter of Database.executeBatchSalesforce chunks the records returned by the start method into batches of 200, and then passes each batch to the execute method. Apex governor limits are reset for each execution of execute.
  • The startexecute, and finish methods can implement up to 10 callouts each.
  • Only one batch Apex job's start method can run at a time in an organization. Batch jobs that haven’t started yet remain in the queue until they're started. Note that this limit doesn’t cause any batch job to fail and execute methods of batch Apex jobs still run in parallel if more than one job is running.

Batch Apex Best Practices

  • Use extreme care if you are planning to invoke a batch job from a trigger. You must be able to guarantee that the trigger will not add more batch jobs than the five that are allowed. In particular, consider API bulk updates, import wizards, mass record changes through the user interface, and all cases where more than one record can be updated at a time.
  • When you call Database.executeBatchSalesforce only places the job in the queue. Actual execution may be delayed based on service availability.
  • When testing your batch Apex, you can test only one execution of the execute method. You can use the scope parameter of the executeBatch method to limit the number of records passed into the execute method to ensure that you aren't running into governor limits.
  • The executeBatch method starts an asynchronous process. This means that when you test batch Apex, you must make certain that the batch job is finished before testing against the results. Use the Test methods startTest and stopTest around the executeBatch method to ensure it finishes before continuing your test.
  • Use Database.Stateful with the class definition if you want to share instance member variables or data across job transactions. Otherwise, all member variables are reset to their initial state at the start of each transaction.
  • Methods declared as future aren't allowed in classes that implement the Database.Batchable interface.
  • Methods declared as future can't be called from a batch Apex class.
  • Starting with Apex saved using Salesforce.com API version 26.0, you can call Database.executeBatch or System.scheduleBatch from the finish method. This enables you to start or schedule a new batch job when the current batch job finishes. For previous versions, you can’t call Database.executeBatch orSystem.scheduleBatch from any batch Apex method. Note that the version used is the version of the running batch class that starts or schedules another batch job. If thefinish method in the running batch class calls a method in a helper class to start the batch job, the Salesforce.com API version of the helper class doesn’t matter.
  • You cannot use the getContent and getContentAsPDF PageReference methods in a batch job.
  • When a batch Apex job is run, email notifications are sent either to the user who submitted the batch job, or, if the code is included in a managed package and the subscribing organization is running the batch job, the email is sent to the recipient listed in the Apex Exception Notification Recipient field.
  • Each method execution uses the standard governor limits anonymous blockVisualforce controller, or WSDL method.
  • Each batch Apex invocation creates an AsyncApexJob record. Use the ID of this record to construct a SOQL query to retrieve the job’s status, number of errors, progress, and submitter. For more information about the AsyncApexJob object, see AsyncApexJob in the Object Reference for Salesforce and Force.com.
  • For each 10,000 AsyncApexJob records, Apex creates one additional AsyncApexJob record of type BatchApexWorker for internal use. When querying for allAsyncApexJob records, we recommend that you filter out records of type BatchApexWorker using the JobType field. Otherwise, the query will return one more record for every 10,000 AsyncApexJob records. For more information about the AsyncApexJob object, see AsyncApexJob in the Object Reference for Salesforce and Force.com.
  • All methods in the class must be defined as global or public.
  • For a sharing recalculation, we recommend that the execute method delete and then re-create all Apex managed sharing for the records in the batch. This ensures the sharing is accurate and complete.
  • Batch jobs queued before a Salesforce service maintenance downtime remain in the queue. After service downtime ends and when system resources become available, the queued batch jobs are executed. If a batch job was running when downtime occurred, the batch execution is rolled back and restarted after the service comes back up.
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